What does a Mckenzie Friend do?
McKenzie Friend - Supporting You in Family Court
What is a McKenzie Friend?
In 1970, the Courts in England and Wales made a ruling that anybody, no matter who, was entitled to have assistance at a Court hearing. Going to Court can be a very stressful and daunting experience. This could be made easier by using a solicitor, but not everyone can afford this. Sometimes your only option is to represent yourself. A McKenzie Friend can provide support for those who are unable to afford formal legal advice and representation.
​If you do decide to represent yourself in Family Court, having someone who can support, encourage and guide you, can make a big difference. So, if you’re looking for help or advice from someone who knows the court system, and who can guide you properly, then send me a message or book in a telephone or video consultation.
I’ve walked in your shoes and I know the anxiety and feelings of injustice you might now be feeling. But I also know you CAN do this, and I’ll be with you every step of the way.
About Zoe - Helping you represent yourself in court with confidence
I went from being in an extremely abusive relationship, where I experienced physical, sexual and emotional abuse to helping others heal and recover. I’m a qualified Coach and Counsellor and I have a proven track-record in helping people recover from Narcissist and Domestic Abuse.

I am a qualified McKenzie Friend, I have over 10 years’ experience as a paralegal, I have written a book on “What you need to know when representing yourself in Family Court against a Narcissist” and I have successfully represented myself and won my own court cases. So, if you have children and need a court order, I can help.
Send me a message or book an initial consultation with me.
McKenzie Friend Family Court Services

Personal services tailored to your case
I offer a range of personalised Family Law services to help you when you’re representing yourself in Court. Afterwards, you’ll feel prepared and confident, knowing you’ve increased the chances of the outcome going in your favour. You have the option of having me support you on specific elements of your case, or you can choose the “Complete Court Support” package. I have been where you are, I know how scary and anxious court makes you feel, you don’t have to do it alone.
Assessment & Strategy Call
We'll have a telephone or video discussion to look at your circumstances and discuss potential approaches you can take and the likely outcomes. Many people don't know what is achievable and what the court can do, so I'll explain the possibilities and help you understand what is achievable with your case.

Application for a Child Contact - C100
Often your first step is to make an application of some kind. It will take a few weeks to be processed, and when you are having issues, the last thing you need is for your application to be rejected due to missing information or because you applied for the wrong type of order. I'll discuss your case with you, what's achievable, and I'll help you complete the correct application form. This does not include court fees.
Writing a Position Statement
A Position Statement is probably the most useful and important document you can provide to the Court. A Position Statement sets out your circumstances leading up to the hearing. Going through court can be an emotional and strenuous process and although you may feel ready to say what you want, in the lead up to a Court hearing, it may be a different story once you are standing in front of a Judge. Of course, your position will change as things develop and hearings progress, but having a comprehensive Position Statement in place will help avoid things getting lost in translation or emotion. Before I prepare your statement, you'll send me your views by email and I'll produce the Position Statement for you, we will then have a quick call to discuss, so you are fully prepared.

Evidence Preparation for a Child Case
The evidence that you submit must be considered “relevant” for the Court to admit it over any objections the other side makes. Unless it is relevant to prove or disprove a fact – it can be excluded.
I’ll discuss with you the evidence you have, what you can and can’t use in Court and how you need to present it.
Hearing Preparation Coaching
To be able to attend your hearing with confidence, you need to know what happens in court, what's likely to happen in your case, and how to prepare properly for the hearing.
Rather than attend your hearing without this preparation we'll discuss your situation and what will happen at the hearing.

Support Packages

Complete Court Support for Children Cases
Includes Case Assessment, Application, Position Statement, Evidence Preparation and Ongoing E-mail Support
We will start by having an assessment call, and from there we will discuss what type of application you need. I will then complete the correct application form for your circumstances, and email this back to you for approval, signing and submitting.
To enable you to approach your hearings with confidence, you need to understand what happens in court, what’s likely to happen in your case, and how to properly prepare for the hearings. Rather than attend your first and any subsequent hearings without this preparation, I'll keep in touch with you, discuss options, assess events as they unfold, and support you with whatever happens.
This service includes preparing your application, writing your position statement, helping you prepare evidence, deal with CAFCASS and being on hand to offer advice before and after each hearing.
Complete Court Support & Emotional Support for Children Cases. Includes Case Assessment, Application, Position Statement, Evidence Preparation, Ongoing E-mail Support and Counselling Sessions
Same as Support Package 1 - but this package also includes six, 30-minute virtual coaching sessions with me. These are extremely beneficial, as it's not just about understanding the legal process, but more importantly also being able to manage your emotions when facing the other side. It's crucial that you are able to present your evidence in a matter-of-fact way, and not emotionally.
It's essential that you are able to ground yourself and be as emotionally detached as possible while giving evidence.
I know how hard this is, and I can help you prepare for court. The fact is that it's not just about what evidence you have, but also the way that you present it and come across to the Judge.

Legal Disclaimer
Zoe Parsons does NOT provide a legal advice service. This is a support and guidance service. You will need to pay Court fees, as these are not included.
I am providing a service to you as a McKenzie Friend and therefore will not be responsible for any adverse decisions made in your case resulting from documents, I have helped you prepare and guidance given to you prior to or during court proceedings. I will not be responsible for any decisions made by you, the court or the other party’s solicitor or any other professionals involved in your case, or applications.
If you require advice about the merits of your case or application or what to say in your statements you should consult a Practicing Solicitor who is regulated by the Solicitor’s Regulation Authority or a Direct Access Barrister.