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Do You Need Support but Can't Find Anything Near You?

Join my small online group “Learn, Grow, Revive, and Thrive” Coaching Programme and learn how to heal the trauma of your abusive relationship.

New group starting Monday 15 April!

This women's only group meets once a week, for 90 minutes, for six weeks. This support group will focus on educating yourself about the abuse, your healing, how to regulate your emotions and move onto having healthy relationships.  I have designed this online six-week workshop, and each session lasts 90 minutes, with the same women each week.  


If you are a man, please complete this form, as there will be a group starting soon, especially for you.

Narcissist Support Group

We will tackle these topics:


  • Identifying abuse and the tactics used.

  • Inside the mind of a narcissist, and how to spot one.

  • Trauma Bonds and Gaining Closure.

  • Going no contact or using grey rock, find out which one is best for you.

  • How to cope with triggers.

  • What to do if you are on the receiving end of a smear campaign.

  • How to co-parent with a narcissist.

  • Protect yourself by learning to set and implement boundaries.

  • Build your confidence, self-worth & self-esteem.

  • How to have a healthy relationship after abuse.


Plus, lots of other great discussion points.

This is a safe environment where you will be heard and validated. I know that each one of you could be in different stages of recovery, so we will share our stories and concerns, you will get your time to talk and to get your questions answered. The purpose of this workshop is to get you unstuck by learning what you need to about abusive behaviours, how to move past them and switching the focus back onto you.


So, whether you are going through a divorce, co-parenting, in a relationship or healing from a relationship. It could be an abusive parent, sibling, relative or co-worker that makes your life a living hell. No matter who the abusive person is in your life, we all seem to be dealing with the same issues and pain. You do not need to go through this alone. It’s time to break the patterns. ​In this group you will be educated, validated, supported, encouraged, and empowered on your journey to Self Love After Abuse.

Here are some of the subjects we will cover in this workshop:


Week 1: Getting to Know Each Other, Conquering Fears, Understanding Abuse.


Week 2: How to recognise a Narcissist and the the Tactics of Abuse they use.


Week 3: How to Break Trauma Bonds and Gain Closure.


Week 4: Co-parenting, Smear Campaigns and how to go No or Limited Contact.


Week 5: Dating After Abuse – Learn the Red and Green Flags of an Abusive and Healthy Relationship.


Week 6: Boundaries the Key to Healthy Relationships.


I will set homework tasks on the topics we discussed. There will also be a closed Facebook group (invite only), where you can get together and chat about what was discussed that week in the group session. This is where I will post homework tasks and any supporting information. 


This is a paid program, for 6 weeks, and will give you 9 hours of coaching for an amazing low price of only £165. Don't miss out, sign up today!

Zoe Parsons

15% Off All Items

Let Me Be Your Guide

I am Zoe Parsons, a globally recognized counsellor specialising in Domestic and Narcissistic Abuse Recovery. With a passion for advocating on behalf of survivors worldwide, I am the visionary behind Self Love After Abuse, an online community that has touched the lives of thousands. Through this platform, I offer resources, support, and education to those affected by narcissistic abuse.

My expertise lies in guiding individuals through the journey of narcissistic abuse recovery. My teachings focus on Growth, Revival, and Thriving after such experiences, my methods are celebrated for their life-changing impact. Recently, I have received recognition and awards for my dedicated work with survivors.

In challenging times, I am here to empower you, providing the strength and emotional resilience needed to overcome adversity. Through tailored emotional support, practical tools, and insightful guidance, I aim to help you navigate the complexities of narcissistic abuse with confidence and resilience.

Ladies, join me! Don't miss out, sign up today

Out of Stock? – Join the wait-list here

Follow Zoe on Instagram

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