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Hello! I’m Seth


I was sexually abused as child at the age of 10 years old it really affected the quality of my life. Nothing made sense to me.


Outwardly I was happy but internally I was unhappy. I was unable to identify who I really was, and this affected my self-esteem and how I valued myself which led on to a life of failed relationships, destructive self-soothing behaviours and anxieties.


My wake-up experience happened in 2000 whist watching a TV program that talked about ‘men who suffered child abuse’. I broke down after watching this as it resonated so much with me. There and then I began my healing journey.


Through many twists & turns, lots of research, discussions wrong diagnoses and eventually therapy I was able to heal from my childhood trauma and I’m now living a happy, healthy and worry-free life.


Because of this experience I decided to get certified in Life Coaching, this is so I can help survivors (men & women) reach a place of understanding, peace and healing.


I work alongside Zoe Parsons who is a Narcissist and Domestic Abuse Counsellor.


​Click on the button below to arrange your free 30-minute consultation and find out how I can help you.

Seth Katz


Identifying if you are in a toxic relationship.

Feeling of confused, lost and exhausted. 

How to identify the red flags of toxic people

How to set and implement boundaries.

​If your answer is yes, I can help you untangle these issues and many more. Having coaching sessions with me will really help boost your healing journey. I know it can be scary talking about this, so I offer a free 30-min consultation where we can have a chat and get to know each other before you decide to book sessions.


I was recently interviewed on The Living Well YouTube channel, where I am talking about understanding the mind of a narcissist.

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Results will depend entirely on your own individual capacity, commitment, level of motivation, diligence in applying the information provided, and other factors. You are solely responsible for your own decisions.


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© 2018 by Self Love After Abuse

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